Why the right mortgage for you might not have the lowest rate

It’s understandable to look for a new mortgage product based on interest rate alone and to select the cheapest one. However, this approach won’t evaluate the whole of your needs or take in to account your individual situation, including any little quirks or differences you may have. 

We aim to find the right mortgage for your individual circumstances

As a mortgage broker, we can search the market on your behalf, checking thousands of products from the high street and specialist lenders, to find you the most suitable mortgage.

We understand that not one size fits all and that finding the right mortgage is like a puzzle, trying to piece the different, unique elements together to ensure that the mortgage you end up with matches your needs and situation.  

1. Have a healthy credit score 

A higher credit score could help improve the number of deals and potential rates available and will also ease the application process. You can check your credit score on sites such as Experian (www.experian.co.uk/) or Equifax. (www.equifax.co.uk) 

2. Be clear what you’re looking for

Questions you could be asking yourself include:

  • Interest only mortgage or repayment? 

  • Fixed rate or tracker?

  • How much are you hoping to borrow?

  • What is your budget for monthly payment

  • How much is the property you’re looking at worth?

3. Ensure your ducks are in a row

Getting organised with your admin will really help ease the mortgage application process and speed things up. Things you could be doing now include:

  • Make sure you’re on the electoral role

  • Check your address is correct on your driving licence

  • Have three months of bank statements available

  • Ensure you have proof of income and that it’s up to date

  • Avoid applying for credit during your mortgage application

  • Read all your mortgage paperwork through carefully and check for any errors, as this can cause delays with your application

We look beyond just the rate to find the right deal for you

When it comes to looking for a new mortgage, everyone has different circumstances and requirements, and so it makes sense to look beyond the rate to find the right one for you. 

We’re here to help find the most appropriate mortgage for you whenever you’re ready.

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