We insure our cars and homes, but what about insuring you or your partner?
Taking out insurance on our cars, homes, gadgets and pets is a given. But what if something were to happen to you or your partner? Have you considered how long you could continue to pay the bills for if you didn’t have an income?
Life is complicated but organising insurance shouldn’t be
“Households are only 19 days from the breadline”.
“60% of households have less than £5,000 in savings, and 16% have no savings at all”.¹
Products designed to offer the level of protection you’re searching for
Protection advice from people who care
We are experts in insurance and can help guide you through the different options that are relevant to you, providing you and your family with reassurance knowing that you could maintain your lifestyle if a life event were to happen.
We are here for you, whenever you are ready.
Availability and cost of cover is subject to criteria such as health and lifestyle questions, medical history, underwriter review and cover availability.
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